Atlas of Entrepreneurship
Launched April 2020
An Atlas of Entrepreneurship for England and Wales has recently been launched giving historical graphics and data for all localities.
This is an open access resource for research and teaching. Available free at:
The Atlas of Entrepreneurship shows all self-employed people identifiable in the censuses: 1.5 to 2m depending on year. It provides the first historical large-scale database for entrepreneurs at the scale of the whole population for England and Wales 1851-1911, which can be linked to modern data. Scotland is to follow. The Atlas allows researchers and students to use interactive engagement for all localities, sectors, by firm size (employees), and sex. You can zoom in on places, or see the entrepreneurship patterns across whole country. Specific mapping and data downloads are given for:
- Numbers of entrepreneurs by place
- Entrepreneurship rates by place
- Firm size
- Sector rates of entrepreneurship
- Portfolio businesses
- Patterns for whole towns, urban and rural areas
Bob Bennett, University of Cambridge