Information Systems Frontiers Special Issue on:
Digital Adoption, Cyber Risks and Value Destruction in Organisations
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As the global economy transition from the industrial society to the information society, or what is variously described as the knowledge economy, the ability of organisations to access and harness information has become the critical factor that defines their competitive strategies. The advent of the information society has coincided with the ubiquity of the internet and rapid uptake and growing popularity of digital technologies. Businesses are increasingly deploying digital technologies to explore and exploit new vistas of opportunities to create, deliver and capture value. Public sector organisations, not lagging too far behind, are using digital tools and products to expand and improve access to key services, thereby bringing new opportunities to otherwise excluded communities and disadvantaged demographics.
Before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the pace of digital innovations over the last decade had already led to discussions about the disruptive impacts of digital transformation in the global economy. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and other forms of ‘smart automation’ are poised to contribute up to 14% of global GDP by 2030 (PWC, 2018). This is an equivalent of more than $15 trillion at today’s values. Digital technology has become ubiquitous and interwoven with all of life (Marshall et al., 2020). The process of digital transformation, which has been gathering pace over the past decade, was accelerated by the advent of Covid-19 pandemic. Its wide-ranging and far-reaching implications have been seen in areas such as home/remote working, disruptive innovations for logistics and supply chains, growing interest in decentralised finance, digitally-enabled sharing economy, and the disruptive impacts of artificial intelligence across a whole spectrum of the global economy.
However, as digital technologies have opened up windows of vast new opportunities, they have also precipitated new risks for organisations. The current reality is that many, if not most, organisations in the world are over-exposed to cyber risk. Cyber criminals do not only steal data, they also disrupt services and operations across the supply chains (Lee, 2021). For small and medium scale enterprises, whose vulnerabilities are exacerbated by resource deficits and information asymmetries, cyber-attacks precipitate significant loss of income and can limit opportunities that could otherwise be harnessed through digital transformation. According to recent estimates, the cost of global cybersecurity damages doubled from $3 trillion in 2020 to $6 trillion in 2021(Benz and Chatterjee, 2020). This is the equivalence of the world’s third largest economy in GDP terms, representing the biggest transfer of economic wealth in history (Morgan, 2020). In effect, the economic damage of cyber risk is worse than those posed by natural disaster and the combined profits of all illicit drug trade.
Given the gravity of the problem, and the poignant prognosis for the future, the extant scholarship on cyber risks is significantly limited. Recent studies have examined the drivers of investments in cybersecurity, with one observing that such investments depend on organisational capabilities, competencies, experience of previous attacks and the severity of those attacks (Fernandez De Arroyabe et al., 2023); and another study drawing attention to the positive influence of board gender diversity on corporate response to cyber risk, including the quality of cyber risk disclosures (Radu and Smaili, 2022). One paper explored the relationship between cyber risk disclosures and market response, especially in the wake of severe data breaches (Chen, Henry and Jiang, 2022). Other scholars have focused on specific sectors. In the healthcare sector, for example, scholars have observed gaps in organisational awareness and understanding of cyber risks and a lack of clarity on strategies required to improve resilience, in the wake of increasing digital transformation (Garcia-Perez et al., 2023). Other studies have explored the cybersecurity implications of national digital adoption systems (Hilowle et al., 2022); and the human and economic costs of cyber-attacks in industry control systems (Menze, 2020). In addition, scholars have considered the growing importance of cloud technologies and the concomitant security implications across a whole spectrum of industry sectors (Aldasoro et al., 2022).
However, there remains significant gaps in understanding the damaging impacts of cyberattacks and cyber threats, particular from an overarching, holistic perspective of value destruction (Alexander & Vallstrom, 2023; Echeverri & Skålén, 2021). Such focused understanding can better inform organisational decision making and strategies to effectively combat cyber threats. Furthermore, there are empirical gaps in knowledge of effectiveness of cyber risk quantification and cybersecurity systems across private and public sector organisations; innovative strategies employed by small and medium scale organisations to avert cyberattacks and mitigate value destruction, and the nuances that shape organisational strategies in different sectors and across geographical boundaries and institutional contexts (Cui & Osborne, 2023). There are also new scholarly inquiries and practitioner debates about policies banning payment of ransom to cyber attackers (Meurs et al, 2023a, 2023b), and the merits of cyber insurance as a strategic tool for value preservation.
Previous Special Issues in Information Systems Frontiers have also contributed significant to ever growing scholarship on cybersecurity. This Special Issue therefore aims to advance the discourse in cybersecurity research, building on the SI volume led by Xu et al. (2021) and Samtani et al. (2023). It will explore the necessity of a scientifically rigorous foundation for cybersecurity, reflecting on the field’s complexity and advocating for a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to developing innovative strategies and solutions. In addition, this Special Issue will build on Hota et al. (2015) by examining Big Data’s transformative role and the critical need for improved Knowledge Management Systems amid rising security threats, especially in the public sector. It will highlight and explore forward-looking models to leverage Big Data effectively while ensuring robust security. While other ISF call for papers (CFPs) focus on human behaviour and psychological aspects in relation to cyber risks, as well as frontier technological solutions (machine learning and AI) this CFP focuses on organisational response, both public and private, within the context of value destruction.
In summary, this special issue seeks to be a visionary addition to existing scholarship, inspiring new research and fostering collaboration to navigate the future of cybersecurity, focusing on the intersection of security, privacy, trust, and ethics, and addressing complex challenges with proactive and innovative solutions at the organisational level. Therefore, to address the gaps in knowledge, we invite conceptual and empirical contributions that address any of the following indicative, but not exhaustive topics:
- Comparative analysis of cybersecurity practices and strategies in public and private sector organisations
- Effectiveness of cyber risk quantification
- Cyber risk insurance as a strategic tool for value preservation
- Business model innovations for cyber risk mitigation
- Cyber risk awareness and mitigation measures across geographical and institutional contexts
- The economic, legal and operational impacts of banning ransom payments to cyber attackers
- Big data and secure Knowledge Management Systems in public and private sector organisations
- Generative modelling, Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) and cyber risk mitigation
- Legacy infrastructures and cyber risk vulnerabilities
- Remote working and organisational cyber risks
- Cyberattacks and value destruction in the manufacturing sector.
- Cybersecure healthcare service systems
- Cybercrime and destructive entrepreneurship
- Digital sovereignty and cybersecurity
- Cybersecure digital adoption for small and medium scale enterprises
Special Issue Events
Pre-submissions manuscript development workshops
Individuals and groups of researchers interested in submitting their papers to the Special Issue are invited to submit extended abstracts of their proposed manuscripts. Along with this, potential contributors will also be invited to submit a simple poster presentation that summarise their proposed manuscript. The manuscript development workshops will be run in collaboration with British Academy of Management (BAM) and Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). They will also be promoted on other platforms such as Research Institute for Sociotechnical Cyber Security RISCS) and Research Institute in Trustworthy Inter-connected Cyber-Physical Systems (RITICS). During the workshops, contributors will have the opportunity for peer review of their proposed manuscripts and feedback from the SI editors. While this provides no guarantees for publication, it offers an excellent opportunity for the researchers to enhance the quality of paper ahead of submission to the Special Issue.
Post-submission workshops
For authors who have received revise and resubmit decisions (R&R) for their manuscript, the guest editors will run post-submission feedback workshops, one of which will be at the ISBE annual conference in November 2024, and another at later date and venue to be announced. Again, participation at the workshop is voluntary and not a requirement or guarantee for acceptance of manuscripts.
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must be submitted in word or latex format to the ISF-Springer online submission system at Paper submissions must conform to the format and submission guidelines of Information Systems Frontiers, which is available at Submissions should be approximately up to 32 pages double spaced including references.
About Information Systems Frontiers
Information Systems Frontiers (ISF) is a high-ranking, international scholarly journal designed to bridge the contributing academic disciplines and provide a link between academia and industry. The central objective of ISF is to publish original, well-written, self-contained contributions that elucidate novel research and innovation in IS/IT which advance the field fundamentally and significantly. In ABDC Ranking, it is listed as an A ranked journal. In ABS ranking, it is listed as a 3 level journal. In Web of Science, it has an impact factor of 5.9 (2022). ISF is Abstracted/Indexed in ABI inform, CompuMath Citation Index, Computer Literature Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (ISTA), Inspec, ISI Alerting Services, ISI Web of Science, Risk Abstracts, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math.
Important Dates
Prospective authors should also take note of the following key dates:
- Submission of extended abstracts to guest editors: 31st May 2024
- Pre-submission workshops: dates to be announced between June and July 2024
- Full paper submission closes: 14th October 2024
- Peer review and feedback to authors: August 2024 to November 2024
- Post-submission workshops: Dates to be announced in November 2024 and March 2025
- Expected publication date: Summer of 2025
Profiles of Guest Editors
Professor Seun Kolade is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation and Interim Head of Research at Sheffield Business School. His research covers the broad areas of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, transformative entrepreneuring, social and spiritual capital, and SME strategies in turbulent environments. Professor Kolade is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE), a recognised agile leader and a consultant trainer for various international organisations. He is the author of more than 80 academic outputs, including journal articles, books, book chapters, and refereed conference papers. He is Associate Editor of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management and has served as guest editor for several reputable journals, and an editor for two recent edited collections.
Dr Dave Chatterjee is tenured (Associate) Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at the Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia. As a Duke University Visiting Scholar, Dr. Chatterjee has taught in the Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity Program at the Pratt School of Engineering. His book, Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach, was published by SAGE Publishing in March 2021. Dr Chatterjee is the host of the Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast Series. He delivers talks worldwide, moderates CXO panel discussions, conducts corporate training, workshops, and webinars, and provides consulting and advisory services. Dr. Chatterjee has served on the corporate and community leadership board of a prestigious cybersecurity network of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and also on a CISO SWAT team. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce.
Professor Paul Jones is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Swansea University. Prof Jones is Editor-in-Chief of the journal International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research”. Prof Jones is also series editor of the Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research book series published by Emerald Publishing. Prof Jones holds other senior editorial positions, including Associate Editor with theInternational Journal of Management Education and a senior editor with the journal Information Technology and People, in addition to other editorial roles. Professor Jones is a prolific entrepreneurial researcher and has authored over 120 refereed journal articles in his career to date. His research predominantly explores entrepreneurial behaviour and small business management.
Dr. Md Imtiaz Mostafiz is an Associate Professor in Strategy and International Business at the University of Leicester, UK. His research expertise focuses on understanding the adoption and impact of digitalization, digital tools, and artificial intelligence in enhancing firm capabilities. His works have been published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, the British Journal of Management, the Journal of Knowledge Management, the International Marketing Review, the Journal of Entrepreneurship Behavior and Research. His methodological proficiencies, such as neural networks and designing artificial intelligence in qualitative works, coupled with his roles in various academic and editorial positions, underscores his commitment to advancing empirical knowledge in his areas of expertise.
Professor Edward Cartwright is a Professor of Economics at De Montfort University and Director of the Institute for Applied Economics and Social Value. His research interests include cyber security, game theory and behavioural economics, with particular interest in the economics of ransomware and the adoption of cyber secure behaviour in micro and small organisations. Recent projects include RAMSES (Internet forensic platform for tracking the money flow of financially-motivated malware) and EMPHASIS (Economical, psychological and societal impact of ransomware). He co-developed the Leicester Stories platform and is currently supporting the East Midlands Chambers of Commerce to establish a Regional Business Intelligence Unit and Collective Intelligence Skills Unit.
Please submit your extended abstracts to any of the guest editors. For other inquiries about the Special Issue, please contact the guest editors:
Professor Seun Kolade, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. Email:
Dr Dave Chatterjee, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, Atlanta, United States. Email:
Professor Paul Jones, School of Management, Swansea University, United Kingdom. Email:
Dr Imtiaz Mostafiz, University of Leicester School of Business, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Email: ;
Professor Edward Cartwright, Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University, United Kingdom. Email: