Alex Kevill,University of Leeds, UK
Bejan David Analoui, University of Huddersfield, UK
Dinuka B Herath,University of Huddersfield, UK
This special issue explores the interconnection between entrepreneurship and social exclusion. The meaning and conceptualisation of social exclusion is contested (Blackburn and Ram, 2006; Taket et al., 2009) but it is helpful to see it as multidimensional in nature, including economic, sociological and political dimensions (Bhalla and Lapeyre, 1997). Marlier and Atkinson (2010: 285) recognise this, defining social exclusion as ‘the involuntary exclusion of individuals and groups from political, economic, and social processes, preventing their full participation in the society in which they live’. This may mean living in poverty, being excluded from gaining employment, being excluded from receiving important services and the satisfaction of basic needs (such as housing, education and financial services), being isolated from social relations with those in mainstream society, being denied social legitimacy and social status and being denied civil rights (Bhalla and Lapeyre, 1997; Gordon et al., 2000; Peace, 2001).
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