Dr Harry Matlay, Global Independent Research
Dr Didier Chabaud, Universite d’Avignon
Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses covers a broad, complex and diverse spectrum of topics and subtopics. Some of these are well established, whilst others are still emergent. In recent years, the volume of research in these important topics of ‘real life’ socio-economic activity has grown exponentially. Such growth justifies an ISBE track that provides researchers, academics and practitioners with an outlet to less known, emergent and controversial topics.
This conference track offers potential contributors an opportunity to submit ‘cutting edge’ research that highlights and disseminates new, emergent and controversial topics of entrepreneurship and small business. Papers invited to this highly successful track include, but not limited to, the following aspects related to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and small business development:
• Entrepreneurial Society
• Entrepreneurial Careers
• Entrepreneurial Marketing and related aspects
• Marketing in smaller businesses
• Training and Human Resource Management
• Supply and Chain Management
• Legal, Accountancy and Professional aspects in smaller firms
• Small Business Development and Management
• Virtual and Mobile Entrepreneurship
• Informal Finance and Crowd Funding, as well as topics not covered by other ISBE tracks.