
Dr Daniel Prokop, University of Cardiff

The International Entrepreneurship Track draws researchers from across the globe affording a variety of interesting international contexts of SME and enterprise research.

The track welcomes relevant and quality research at the international level which studies the entrepreneurial process in different types of social, economic and cultural contexts.

Papers are welcomed which address this diversity through the study of, for example:

  • The training, education and preparation of entrepreneurs
  • The environment of entrepreneurship and the understanding of the role played by context- sensitive factors that shape the evolution of the entrepreneurial processes
  • Entrepreneurial activity and its behavioural, productive and performance-related dimensions and, how can entrepreneurship shape, and be shaped, to create, social justice
  • The role of female entrepreneurs
  • The role of business and social networks within such diversity.

The track also welcomes research from multiple levels of study (individual, firm, industry, region) and which evidences implications of practical relevance.