We are studying how entrepreneurial educators see their teaching role, and we need your help. Our short survey asks for you to reflect on and describe your philosophy of entrepreneurial teaching, the pedagogies you use, and the outcomes you seek in your entrepreneurial courses. Your input will greatly help us in developing our understanding of the influences on entrepreneurial educator roles, as well as the different types of role perceptions that are present among faculty teaching entrepreneurships.
Your participation is entirely voluntary and your decision to participate will not affect your current or future relations with Babson College (USA), UCL University College (Denmark), or Åbo Akademi University (Finland), or any partner organizations. Individual respondents will not be identified, and results will only be presented in aggregate or anonymous form. You are free to skip any question or to withdraw from the survey at any time.
All responses will be kept completely confidential. All electronic files (transcripts, databases, spreadsheets, etc.) containing identifiable information will be password protected. Any computer hosting such files will also have password protection to prevent access by unauthorized users. Only the members of the research team will have access to the passwords.
This survey has been reviewed and approved by the Babson College Institutional Review Board. If you have questions, please contact the principal investigator: Dr. Candida Brush, Babson College, USA.
We thank you in advance and hope you will agree to participate in this ANONYMOUS survey (15 min) to help us understand how you perceive your entrepreneurial educator role. In exchange for your participation, we will be happy to send you summary results if you include in a separate link at the end of the survey.
The questionnaire will be open until 15.05.2021.
Candida Brush:
Shahrokh Nikou:
Birgitte Wraae:
Please click here to access the survey.