Following the successful conclusion of the 20th IAABD (International Academy of African Business and Development) conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, my colleagues, Professor Rwelamila (IAABD Proceedings Editor), Dr Gbadamosi (Conference Chair) and I have deliberated upon a special issue (SI) from the Entrepreneurship, Small Business and the Informal Sector in Africa Track of the conference. This track summary highlights the need for editors in entrepreneurship journals to invite a special issue.
I was privileged to chair a session in the Entrepreneurship, Small Business and the Informal Sector in Africa Track for IAABD where some very interesting topics were presented. These papers were presented by both academics and practitioners and topics range from Women in Construction, through Entrepreneurial Information needs for women farmers to the economic potential of the dairy sector. Here are some examples of contributions that are pertinent to Entrepreneurship in Africa.
1. Challenges and Reflections on the Place of Women in Construction-Global as Well as Ugandan Perspective
2. Entrepreneurial Characteristics among Small Business Owners and Non-business-owners in the Arusha and Kilimanjaro Regions
3. Entrepreneurial Information needs for women farmers cultivating banana in Moshi Rural, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania b
4. Bricolage, Optimization and Performance in Women Entrepreneurial Businesses in The Informal Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Interactive Perspective
5. Economics Potential of Dairy Sector Through Yoghurt Production
6. Entrepreneur Orientation and Firm Performance in Zambia: Moderating Role of the Environment
7. Apprenticeship and Entrepreneurial Development in Southeast Nigeria: The Igbo Man Perspectives
8. Antecedents of Customer Complaint Behavior using Social Media and the Consequent Satisfaction with Firms’ Responses of starred hotels Kenya: Moderating Influence of Risk/Benefit Analysis and Customer Characteristics
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Contact for further information: Nnamdi O. Madichie, PhD, FCMI, FCIM Email: