15th June 2018
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
A developing Agenda for Collaboration in the Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Research
An event of the ISBE Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group
The event aims to identify an agenda for the next phase of research on creative industries entrepreneurship. It aims to continue the discussion on collaboration among researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and policy makers.
In this event academic leaders and policy makers will share their vision, strategies and tactics for developing collaboration within the field of Creative Industries and how to navigate the challenges of carrying out meaningful, impactful and publishable research.
Informed by insights from our speakers we will create a plan for collaboration, research and publication. There will be a blend of practical activities and a creative career mapping process.
Who should attend
This workshop is appropriate for anyone with an interest in the theory and/practice of creative industries, including:
– Academics and Researchers in creative industries and entrepreneurship,
– Postgraduate and doctoral students with an interest in creative industries,
– Entrepreneurs in Creative Industries,
– Practitioners and consultants engaged in creative industries,
– Artists with an interest in entrepreneurship.
Benefits of Attendance
– Sharing research findings, and understanding the evolution of the impact of creative industries in contemporary business society,
– Developing and reflecting on creative industries entrepreneurship, your research and how to disseminate and publish it
– Networking with fellow academics and developing collaborations
– Prof. Andy Penaluna – University of Wales Trinity Saint David
– Dr. Dimitrinka Stoyanova Russell – Cardiff University
– Lara Ratnaraja – Cultural Consultant
– Prof. Sarah Cooper – University of Edinburgh
10.00 – 10.30: Registration and Refreshments
10.30 – 10.45: Welcome to the SIG event, background research and Panel Introduction
10.45-11.00: Publishing creative industries entrepreneurship research; Challenges and opportunities (findings from ISBE research methods workshop surveys)
Dr. Stefania Romano and Dr. Charlotte Carey
11.00 – 12.30: Vision, Strategies and Tactics for developing collaboration and support research in Creative Industries Entrepreneurship
Prof. Andy Penaluna (Policy perspective)
Dr. Dimitrinka Stoyanova Russell (Academic perspective)
Lara Ratnaraja (Industry intersection perspective)
Prof. Sarah Cooper (Academic perspective)
12.30 – 13.30: Networking Lunch Break
13.30 – 15.00: Developmental Workshop: Collaborations among the community including: writing for publication and research project development
15.00 – 15.30: Tea Break
15.30 – 16.30: Developmental Workshop: Where are we now ? What next ?
Venue: Birmingham City University