29th May 2019
10:00 am - 1:45 pm
HEInnovateWorkshop, Dundalk, Ireland
Wednesday 29th May 2019
In partnership with:
This workshop will focus on two of the EU HEInnovate dimensions – Entrepreneurial Teaching & Learning and Measuring the Impact. Delegates will hear from – and have an opportunity to network with – experienced practicing entrepreneurship educators in relation to how they are currently assessing their entrepreneurship programmes and how the HEInnovate tool can help. A panel discussion comprising a range of EE stakeholders will explore ways in which the impact of EE assessment can be enhanced using HEInnovate. Workshop outputs will include a compilation of EE assessment ‘snapshot examples’ as well as a short report for the EU HEInnovate team.
Who should attend?
Entrepreneurship educators and those involved in EE programme design – especially the design of assessment components; local stakeholders; local employers and those interested in the wider impact of EE.
1000: Arrival, registration, networking & coffee
1030: Welcome & overview – Professor Colette Henry (ISBE Fellow)
1035: Key note: ‘Using the HEInnovate tool to enhance EE assessment and impact’ – HEInnovate expert from EU
1050: Q & A/Discussion
1100: EE assessment in practice: Snapshot Examples of EE assessments across disciplines (session 1)
1130: Coffee break & networking
1145: EE assessment in practice: Snapshot Examples of EE assessments across disciplines (session 2)
1215: Panel Discussion: A Question of Impact: Is current EE assessment effective? (Panel drawn from EE educators, EEUK, ISBE and CEEN (Ireland’s Campus Entrepreneurship Education Network), industry reps, local entrepreneurs/enterprise agencies)
1345: Close and networking lunch
Call for Abstracts:
We invite short abstracts from experienced entrepreneurship educators from across all discipline areas who are interested in presenting their EE assessment methods in the ‘Snapshot Examples’ sessions. These will be short/snappy 5 minute presentations, detailing the EE assessment mechanism you currently use in your discipline area/course, and sharing your experiences with regard to its effectiveness in practice. If you are interested in submitting an ‘Snapshot Examples’ abstract, please submit a one page outline by e-mail to: . Accepted abstracts will be compiled into a single document for circulation amongst delegates, and subsequently (with permission), submitted as part of a workshop output to HEInnovate, ISBE and EEUK.
Deadline for abstract submission is: 12th April.
Notification of acceptance by: 26th April.
Venue: Dundalk Institute of Technology
Venue Phone: +353 (0)42 9370200
Venue Website: https://www.dkit.ie/