Happy at work? Take part in new international research into flexible working, job satisfaction and productivity

29th June 2021

Title: Happy at work? Take part in new international research into flexible working, job satisfaction and productivity

Employee and Business surveys open until 21 Sep 2021

 “Happy at work?” 10-min employee survey and “Rising like a Phoenix” 10-min business survey – open to all

Happy at work? employee survey and Rising like a Phoenix business survey

Employees: Satisfied in your job? Happy working flexibly? Could you be happier?

Help uncover flexible working gems here: Happy at work?

This a 10-min employee survey designed by our team of UK researchers.

Anyone in the world can take part, until 21 Sep 21.

Businesses: Could your workforce be more productive and how can flexible working help you?

All businesses can take this 10-min survey Rising like a Phoenix .

It is designed by our team of UK researchers and open until 21 Sep 21..

Let’s learn from the impact of the pandemic on business strategy, workforce productivity and well-being.

Help discover key new frontiers for business survival and growth, employee productivity and retention, and much more.

Businesses: make use of the Happy at work? survey – please disseminate this among your managers and employees.

Employees: send your friends, managers, business-owners or colleagues this link too  Rising like a Phoenix.

Both surveys are in English, fully anonymised and free.

This research aims to shape a better, happier future of work for us all. Thank you, in advance.

Contact for further information:
Dr. Alina Ileana Petrescu


Research Fellow in Labour Economics, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom
I am a social researcher dedicated to understanding job satisfaction, flexible working and productivity – see www.alinapetrescu.com


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