After nearly 10 years of leading the rural enterprise track at the ISBE conference, Professor Gerard McElwee has decided to step down and pass the responsibility of Track Chair to long-time track presenter, Dr Wyn Morris of Aberystwyth Business School.
The Rural Entrepreneurship track ran for the first time in Dublin 2012. It attracted a healthy 15 papers and in some sessions attracted 40 people. Since then, it has grown to be one of the largest tracks at the ISBE conference, under the guidance and development of Professor McElwee; the track has been especially supportive of ECRs in the field and has grown to attract an international community of presenters and delegates over the years.
The Institute is very grateful to Professor McElwee for all his hard work, care and efforts in growing the track to its current strong position, and we look forward to working with Dr Morris on its continued development.
Dr Morris comments, “I am delighted to become the next chair of ISBE’s rural track. Firstly, I would like to thank Gerard for his hard work in developing an extremely popular and engaging track and I aim to build on the foundations he has laid. Having participated in the track for many years I have found the rural entrepreneurship group to be extremely friendly and supportive and this culture I wish to continue and nurture. With growing concerns and opportunities within the rural environment, I envisage that this track will continue to grow, and increase its significance and impact. I look forward to working with ISBE”.
The Rural Enterprise Network, ISBE’s Special Interest Group that supports the track, will also be looking for a new Chair. Information about the nominations process will be communicated to the SIG members in September (to join the SIG, please see the instructions here).