*** Please note registration for the Doctoral Day is now closed***
09.30 – 16.30 Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Northumbria University, Sandyford Building, Hedley Suite, 4th Floor, 2 Sandyford Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QE
The city campus map can be found here.
Space to Think of Entrepreneurship Research and Impact: From Intentions to Realisation
The 2019 ISBE Conference is offering a practice-based Doctoral Day Opportunity that will unite innovative perspectives of future educators and scholars with novel ideas of established researchers and leaders in the Entrepreneurship Arena.
This year, the ISBE Doctoral Day will provide “Space to Think of Entrepreneurship Research and Impact”. Identifying that “dichotomous thinking” has reached a dead end, we explore the future of entrepreneurial research with a more “creative”, “out of the box”, thinking that simultaneously accounts for diverse parties and addresses varied challenges in the World. Delegates will be introduced to a practice-based Doctoral Day with the main aim to unite innovative perspectives of future educators and scholars with novel ideas of established researchers and leaders in the Entrepreneurship Research Arena.
For entrepreneurial research thinking, discussions and reflections to flourish, the contribution of our delegates by submitting their Research Posters is vital. The Research Poster is purely based on the delegates’ PhD research regardless of the stage at which they are currently in their studies (FT/PT first-second-final year etc). Please provide as much information as you can so that you can allow for effective discussions and constructive feedback from peers, academics and practitioners during the Doctoral Day.
It is crucial that you follow an “open innovation” approach on entre/intrapreneurship related research where you abandon second thoughts on openly sharing ideas and collaborating with others for the best research outcome. The role of “co-creation” is vital for the success of this day. Please remember that your Research Poster will represent your identity on a personal and professional perspective and can be the starting point of potential future collaborations or new insights and opportunities for you.
A prize will be awarded for the best Research Poster in terms of critical content. Posters will be included in the ISBE conference app and count as an academic output.
Research Poster Guidelines and Submission
A detailed “Research Poster Guidelines” can be found here. If you would like to make use of an optional template for your poster, please see here.
Research Posters should be submitted in PDF format. Please submit your Research Posters via email by Monday, 30 September 2019. There is no need for delegates to bring a printed version of their posters as these will be printed, organised into entrepreneurship research themes and included to specific poster boards for discussion during the ISBE Doctoral Day. Please do not hesitate to contact the Doctoral Day Chair or the ISBE office for any problems that you might encounter.
For detailed information about the programme for the day, please see here.