In association with ISBE’s Practice & Impact Special Interest Group
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The track seeks to advance both practical and theoretical knowledge, reflecting on the interface between practice and theory, surrounding entrepreneurial learning and behaviour in Entrepreneurship/Small Business. Building on the current growth of interest and literature in this area, the track aims to move the field on in terms of how learning is both theorised and practiced. In so doing, our focus is related to conceptualisation of the field and the dynamics of implementation, which has brought to the surface a range of important questions for scholars, policy makers and practitioners. The growing importance of “lived practices” in entrepreneurial related studies have sought to pose several questions and challenges for researchers/scholars in the field. The dynamic nature of the business environment in which the entrepreneur and small firm owner/manager practice requires one to continuously seek innovative ways to exploit business opportunity and growth. Understanding how and what entrepreneurs/owner/managers learn are pertinent in how we begin to make sense not only of what practitioners do but the specific processes of learning that occur in this context. This focus on learning brings with it questions surrounding the nature of learning, how learning is conceptualised and debated in relation to issues which influence how, when and why learning takes place. The track welcomes submissions from colleagues working across disciplines, we encourage contributions that explore, but are not limited to, any of the following topics:
• Learning through Engaged Scholarship
• Individual and collective learning
• Training/Mentoring/Shadowing and learning (education and training)
• Social and Co creation aspects of Learning
• Learning in Higher Education
• Entrepreneurial networking and networks – entrepreneurial clusters or communities
• Entrepreneurial or SME unlearn
• Learning through Sense Making
• Learning through/from experience (successes and failures)
• Entrepreneurial decision-making process
• Learning through Research Methodologies
• Enhancing and stimulating practitioner/student learning experiences
• Reflection, critical thinking and reflexivity as a means of exploring learning
• Developing entrepreneurial skills, dynamic capability and absorptive capacity
• Context and internal / external environments
• Entrepreneurial leadership learning
• Action / Critical Action Learning approaches to training and education
• Innovation and creativity in entrepreneurial process
• The nature of entrepreneurship: cognition, behaviours and processes;
The track seeks to provide a space bringing together scholars and practitioners in the field, in order to explore questions surrounding the issues of learning from the unique perspectives of creating impact in the field. This call for papers seeks both conceptual and empirically based (full or working) papers which will contribute to our knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurial/SME learning in different contexts.