ISBE 2022 Doctoral Day Programme and Speakers

Thank you to those who submitted a poster for the doctoral day competition.

An ISBE certificate was awarded for the best poster in terms of novelty, impact, imaginative design and critical content. The winner was Helen Rana, University of the West of England. Presley Bai, University of York and Weitong Chu, King’s College London received a highly commended certificate as close runners up. Congratulations to all!

Date: Wednesday 26th October 2022

Time: 9.30am-5.00pm

Location:  The Guildhall, St Martins Courtyard, Coney St, York YO1 9QL


The Doctoral day will provide participants with an opportunity to listen to best practice from Entrepreneurship subject experts plus network with Doctoral peers and build networks. The day will give attendees the opportunity to “test” their Doctoral concepts with a different audience.  The Doctoral day will also offer a poster session competition whereby doctoral candidates can submit a summary of their Doctorate to date and obtain feedback from experienced Entrepreneurship academics.

PhD Poster 

Attendees are invited to submit a doctoral poster as part of the Doctoral day. Attendees can discuss their PhD through their poster with academics and fellow doctorate students. The poster will be ideally presented on an A3 sized document and should provide an overview of the aims and objectives of the study, the key literature, the proposed methodology and the likely contribution to knowledge. An ISBE certificate will be awarded for the best poster in terms of novelty, impact, imaginative design and critical content. Please bring a paper copy of your poster to the event if you wish to participate. Please note that participation is optional in this process.


Timing Presenter/s Session Description
9.30-10.00 (30) Prof Paul Jones (Swansea University) Introduction

Introduction to the day from Prof. Paul Jones. The session will also allow you to introduce yourself to your fellow doctoral students and further develop your networks. 

10.00- 10.45 (45) Prof Paul Jones (Swansea University, UK) From Doctoral Qualification to becoming an academic

This session will consider the attributes, skills and knowledge required to transition from doctorate student to early career academic.

10.45-11.00 (15) Morning Coffee Coffee Break and Network
11.00-11.45 (45) Prof Kiran Trehan (York University


Engagement, influence, and Impact:  Harnessing the power of your research 

The session explores the practical efficiencies of building in impact, through embedded engagement, and of the many possibilities offered for the communication – and enactment- of inclusive scholarly entrepreneurship work.

11.45-12.30 (45) Dr Robert Wapshott (Nottingham University) Qualitative approaches in Small Business and Entrepreneurship research

The session will consider how to make effective use of qualitative approaches in Small Business and Entrepreneurship research. Several perspectives will be considered including:

·      Qualitative approaches in research design

·      Rigour in applying qualitative approaches

·      Reporting qualitative findings for journal publication.

12.30-1.15 (45) Dr Deema Refai (Leeds University, UK)


Surviving the PhD viva 

The session will consider best practice and strategies to successfully navigate the Doctoral viva.

1.15-2.00 (45) LUNCH LUNCH plus students get to discuss their posters with fellow students and academics.

Welcome from ISBE President

Professor Andrew Henley 

2.00-2.45 (45) Prof Katrina Pritchard and Dr Helen Williams Using visual and creating methods in entrepreneurship research 

This session summarises recent work that has made use of both visual and creative methods to explore understandings of entrepreneurship. Using examples from our own research, we will discuss both the challenges and opportunities that arise from using such approaches.  

2.45-3.15 (30) Dr Mohamed Haddoud (British University in Dubai, Dubai)


Managing your relationship with your Doctoral supervisors 

This session explores the student supervisor relationship and how to effectively manage it.

3.15-4.45 (90) This session will include representatives from 4 major Entrepreneurship journals:

Dr Mohamed Haddoud (British University in Dubai, Dubai)

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research

Professor Dilani Jayawarna, (Liverpool University)

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Dr Deema Refai (Leeds University, UK) International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Dr Lorna Treanor (Nottingham University, UK)

International Small Business Journal

Meet the Journal Editors session 

Representatives of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, International Small Business Journal, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The session will provide an overview of each journal and allow you to question current Journal Editors regarding best practice in academic publishing within the entrepreneurship discipline.









4.45-5.00 (15) Prof. Paul Jones (Swansea University, UK) Conclusions and Prize Giving

This session will conclude the day and award best poster presentations. 



Professor Dilani Jayawarna – Associate Editor of the Entrepreneurship and Regional Development Journal and Consulting Editor for the International Small Business Journal. She recently co-edited a special issue for International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behaviour and Research on entrepreneurial learning. Dilani’s research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurial resources, life course and household, entrepreneur exit and social entrepreneurship.


Dr Mohamed Yacine Haddoud  is an Associate Professor in Management at the British University in Dubai (BUiD). Prior to joining BUiD, Mohamed worked at Liverpool John Moores University, Plymouth University and Warwick University. Mohamed published over 30 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals including the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Annals of Tourism Research; Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Studies in Higher Education to name a few. He currently acts as the co-editor of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research (Emerald) and the associate editor of the Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Prof Andrew Henley is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Economics at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, and was from 2016 to 2021 School Director of Research Impact and Engagement. Prof Henley is also the current ISBE president. Prior to this he held School Dean appointments at Aberystwyth and Swansea universities. He is currently the Wales lead for the UKRI/ESRC Productivity Institute. Much of Andy’s research focuses on questions of who chooses to become an entrepreneur, and why and where they choose to do so. He is particularly interested in applications of longitudinal data. His research also focuses on entrepreneurial leadership and small business growth. He has published over 60 papers in leading academic journals in entrepreneurship, economics and regional studies, as well as contributing to several recent edited books. He is an experienced advisor on policy and between 2002 and 2012 he was a member of the Welsh Government’s Economic Research Advisory Panel, advising the First Minister in Wales on economic research and development policy.
Prof Paul Jones  is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Head of School at Swansea University. Professor Jones has undertaken research in entrepreneurship and small business management, information technology and entrepreneurship education during his academic career. Prof. Jones is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research , Senior Editor with Information Technology and People and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Management Education. He is also Series Editor of the Emerald Book Series Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research. Prof Jones is an experienced doctoral supervisor and examiner.
Prof Katrina Pritchard is a professor in the School of Management, Swansea University.  She is a qualitative researcher who embraces methodological diversity and innovation.  Katrina has published on methodology, covering topics ranging from pilot studies, digital ethics, ethnography, visual studies and multi-method research.  With Dr Rebecca Whiting, she recently authored Collecting Qualitative Data using Digital Methods (2020, Sage Publications) and co-edited Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization (2021, OUP) with Profs. Gillian Symon and Christine Hine.  Katrina’s entrepreneurship research is critically orientated and focuses on issues of diversity and representation.  In 2019 (with Drs. Helen Cooper and Kate Mackenzie-Davey; ‘Aesthetic labouring and the female entrepreneur: Entrepreneurship that wouldn’t chip your nails’) her research won the ISBJ overall best paper award.
Dr Deema Refai is an Associate Professor in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the University of Leeds, and is currently Joint Editor in Chief of
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation  Deema’s research focus is developed around constrained contexts, with particular interest in refugee entrepreneurship, where she has led research projects funded by the British Academy, AHRC and others. Through her work, Deema has developed strong collaborations, particularly in Jordan and the UK, and has been involved in various activities, panels and discussions around issues relevant to refugees. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented in a number of national and international conferences.
Dr Lorna Treanor – Lorna is an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, her research interests lie in the area of entrepreneurial behaviour; specifically, in the influence of gender upon entrepreneurial activity. She has published her work in a range of journals including ABS 4 and 3* journals such as: Human Relations, Gender Work & Organization and the International Small Business Journal among others. Lorna is Consulting Editor and Editorial Board member for the International Small Business Journal and is currently Vice President for Research & Communities of ISBE.
Prof Kiran Trehan is Pro-Vice Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement at The University of York and Director of the Centre for Women’s Enterprise, Leadership & Diversity (WELEAD). Professor Trehan is a key contributor to debates on leadership, Entrepreneurship, and enterprise development. She has led several large research grants, enterprise and business support initiatives and has extensively published several journal articles, policy reports, books, and book chapters in the field. Her work has been supported by grants from a full range of research funding bodies, including the Economic and Social Research Councils and Arts Humanities Research councils, government departments, regional and local agencies including Local Enterprise Partnerships and Chambers of Commerce and the private sector.  Professor Trehan has a national and international reputation in a senior research, impact capacity: publishing in peer reviewed journals of a high quality; being an invited professor/scholar in Europe and internationally, presenting at a range of policy and research events, conferences and symposia with policymakers, public services, and community networks to pioneer and promote Entrepreneurship Enterprise and family business. The research embeds the complementary concerns of SME’s practitioners, policymakers, and academics by converting academic insights into effective action, policy learning. From 2019 -2021 Professor Trehan was previously the President of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). ISBE is the leading national body for SME research and policy learning.
Dr Robert Wapshott, Haydn Green Institute, Nottingham University Business School; Editor – International Small Business Journal, Editorial Board – Human Relations. Robert is an experienced researcher in Small Business and Entrepreneurship studies. Robert’s work has incorporated

a range of data collection methods such as interviews, observations, document analysis and archival research

Helen Williams is a Senior Lecturer in People and Organisation at the School of Management, Swansea University.  Prior to completing her Doctorate, Helen worked as an organisational psychologist with expertise in the design and application of behavioural assessment tools. Helen’s research interests include the practice and development of qualitative methods, with a particular focus on visual and creative approaches.  Recent work – stemming from her PhD research – includes the use of these approaches to explore how entrepreneurship is constructed and enacted within neoliberal contexts.