Dr Mike Bull, Manchester Metropolitan University
The SEE track is particularly interested in ethical, social and/or environmental enterprise as a context for research. The track is divided into three main sub-themes:
• Social and community enterprise/innovation and entrepreneurship
• Sustainable/eco-entrepreneurship
• Ethics and social responsibility
These sub-themes cover topics that are attracting increasing attention from policy-makers, practitioners and the wider population. The ‘social’ sub-theme addresses contemporary issues in social, community, co-operative enterprise, business models, political economy, governance, hybridity and so forth. The ‘environmental’ sub-theme is concerned with the pursuit of environmentally-responsible opportunities, ecopreneurship and radical models that challenge prevailing assumptions about enterprise and growth, and so forth. The ethics sub-theme examines issues including the morality of enterprise, the virtuous entrepreneur, the growth of ethical markets and the opportunities they create and so forth.
We welcome new research, as well as papers grounded in established themes. In line with the conference theme for 2016, we would be receptive to submissions that focus on the following broad themes:
• Entrepreneurial process
• Social, political, cultural and economic contexts
• Education
• Activity, behavioural, productive and performance-related dimensions
• Social Justice, creating, shaping and change agents.