Pregnancy and Parenting at Work for SMEs: Communications Toolkit for partners

25th September 2023

For many, starting or growing a family is not a straightforward experience. Infertility and pregnancy loss are common and often happen in parallel to a person’s working life. Support and understanding in the workplace are crucial to help remove some of the mental strain that accompanies these experiences.

With your help, we can equip line managers with the knowledge and confidence to support employees. This training programme also helps to encourage an open, inclusive and understanding culture in the workplace so people feel able to talk about their fertility or pregnancy challenges, and get the support they need.

The statistics are clear: investing in support and parental policies has a positive outcome on retention, wellbeing and productivity among employees. Currently, 60% of women will leave their organisation within a year of returning to work* – something that could be prevented with more support from their managers and employer.

Pregnancy and Parenting at Work is an award-winning and practical programme that helps employers to save time while training managers to support people with empathy and understanding, whatever their journey to parenthood.

This product is free to eligible small to medium enterprises (SMEs) until March 2025, thanks to support by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Fund, part of a partnership programme between Department of Health & Social Care, NHS England and UK Health Security Agency.

Small and medium-sized organisations can can access Pregnancy and Parenting at Work for FREE if:

  1. they employ less than 250 staff members.
  2. are based in Birmingham or Manchester (organisations whose postcodes start with B or M) OR are part of one of our partner networks, which include the Federation of Small Businesses and Small Business Britain as well as others.

Organisations with under 250 employees that are outside of Manchester, Birmingham or our partner networks can access the training for a reduced fee of £499.

Register now and start creating a supportive and inclusive workplace for all parents.

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