ISBE Research and Knowledge Exchange (RAKE) Fund 2014 Awards
Assessing the value of innovation and invention in small firmsWe were delighted that the RAKE awards for 2014 were sponsored by Barclays and the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council). The fund received an unprecendented amount of applications making the review process very difficult and we would like to thank all who contributed to the review process. This year, we have been able to make two awards.
Click title of project to view synopsis:
Professor Mark Durkin and Dr Darryl Cummins of Ulster Business School, Dr Des Laffey of University of Kent, Mr Niall McKeown of iON Digital Marketing and Dr Tony Gandy of IFS School of Finance with Exploring the potential role for crowd-funding in SME start-up financing: a comparative study of the perspectives of Bank Executives and SME Owner-Managers
Click here to download the final report
Mr Geoff Whittam and Dr Julie Thomson of Glasgow Caledonian University: Putting Value on Innovation through an Asset Based Community Approach: Action Research on the Grow Trust
Click here to download the final report.
We offer our congratulations to the teams involved and wish them every success with these initiatives.