ISBE’s official journal, The International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (IJEBR) has a unique focus on publishing original research related to the human and social dynamics of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial management in small and growing organizations.
The journal has an international perspective on entrepreneurship and publishes conceptual papers and empirical studies which bring together issues of interest to academic researchers and educators, policy-makers and practitioners worldwide.The editorial team encourages high-quality submissions which advance the study of human and behavioural dimensions of entrepreneurship and smaller organizations. Examples of topics which illustrate the scope of the journal are provided below.
Nascent entrepreneurship and new venture creation
Management development and learning in smaller businesses
Enterprise and entrepreneurship education, learning and careers
Entrepreneurial psychology and cognition
Management and transition in smaller, growing and family-owned enterprises
Corporate entrepreneurship and venturing
Entrepreneurial teams, management and organizations
Social, sustainable and informal entrepreneurship
National and international policy, historical and cultural studies in entrepreneurship
Gender, minority and ethnic entrepreneurship
Innovative research methods and theoretical development in entrepreneurship
Resourcing and managing innovation in entrepreneurial ventures
There is constantly increasing academic, business and policy interest in the contributions which entrepreneurship and small businesses make to economic and social growth and regeneration in both national and global contexts. The human dimensions of entrepreneurship are central to this. IJEBR provides an internationally recognised platform for exploration and debate centring on research which is relevant to scientific, policy, commercial and social concerns, and which makes a wider impact beyond the academic community.
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Published 6 times per year
ISSN: 1355-2554
The journal has a Scopus CiteScore of 1.7
Abstracted/Indexed in: Scopus, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunites in Management, Emerald Management Reviews, ABI/INFORM, Publication Forum, Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List (B), Association of Business Schools (United Kingdom), ReadCube Discover
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Paul Jones, Coventry University, UK: Co-editors: Dr. Martina Battisti, Massey University, New Zealand: Dr. Lois Shelton, California State University Northridge, USA: Dr. Richard Tunstall, University of Leeds, UK: