SIG Co-chairs:
Dr Kingsley Omeihe, University of the West of Scotland
Professor Sukanlaya Sawang, Edinburgh Napier University
Launching in 2019, the Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups (EMG) SIG engages researchers and academics whose research interests broadly cover groups ‘outside the mainstream’, including ethnic minorities, refugees and migrants/diaspora, transnational, internally displaced, disabled, young people, those operating in the informal economy, hard-to-reach and understudied groups; and ‘intersectional’ combinations of these groups.
The SIG believes that minorities and groups perceived as ‘peripheral’ are seen as having equality with ‘mainstream’ interests. There is continuing growth in the range, quality and ambition of minority entrepreneurship research, and the work of the SIG will promote excellence in research conducted with minority groups.
The SIG supports the long-established ISBE conference track on Entrepreneurship in Minority Groups and supports the work of new and emerging scholars and Doctoral researchers, as well as experienced and distinguished scholars who have supported the track over many years. The SIG aims to provide recognition and support for the contributions they make in raising awareness and highlighting the uniqueness of the experiences of different minority groups. It works with universities and research centres dedicated to researching minority groups internationally. It includes ISBE members who contribute to the annual conference, along with non-members with similar interests drawn from personal and professional contacts.
The SIG has values of inclusion; receptiveness to new and innovative perspectives from minority groups; and building the confidence and capability of new researchers from diverse backgrounds and traditions.
The SIG will seek to work in partnership with, and not duplicate other SIG activity, such as the Gender and Enterprise Network.
The SIG aims are:
– To facilitate knowledge exchange between researchers, academics, policymakers and the business community internationally
– To provide space for the development of research ideas and collaboration between doctoral students, early career researchers to senior colleagues; and to aid the dissemination and publication of work of under-represented groups
Its objectives are:
– To promote research and knowledge networks and events which facilitate research, development and information exchange within and between minority groups.
– To advance publication of excellent research in journals and other publications, through and beyond the annual conference track.
The officers of the SIG, agreed at the 2022 ISBE conference, are as follows:
Dr Kingsley Omeihe
Professor Sukanlaya Sawang
Organising Committee:
Dr Thomas Domboka; Dr Poh Yen Ng; Dr Rana Zayadin; Dr Jane Khayesi