Professor Colette Henry, FRSA, FAcSS
My passion and expertise are in the areas of Entrepreneurship Education, Women’s Enterprise and Veterinary Business. I specialise in the design and development of new academic programmes, including international programmes and CPD for industry. Currently Head of Department of Business Studies at Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) & Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, my previous roles include: Norbrook Professor of Business & Enterprise (Royal Veterinary College, London); Visiting Professor (Birmingham City University), and President of the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE, London). In 2015, I received the Diana International Trailblazeraward from Babson College for my research on gender; in 2017, I was honoured with the Sten K Johnson European Entrepreneurship Education Award, and in 2018, I was awarded a Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences. I have published my research work in a range of journals, including: International Small Business Journal, Small Business Economicsand Journal of Small Business Management, and I currently edit the niche gender journal: International Journal of Gender & Entrepreneurship(IJGE). My recent books include two texts on Women’s Entrepreneurship (with Yousafazai, Fayolle, Lindgreen & Saeed) (2018),and the Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship(2017) (with Nelson & Lewis). My latest book – New Perspectives in Gender, Science and Innovation(with Lawton Smith, Etzkowitz & Poulovassilis) – is due to be published in early 2020 by Edward Elgar.