George Saridakis is a Professor of Small Business and Entrepreneurship and Head of the Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International Business at Kent University. During his academic career, he has also acted as director of research centres and PhD/DBA programmes.
After completing his MSc in Economics at Surrey University he embarked on a PhD Programme in which he graduated with a PhD in Economics from Essex University. George also studied Philosophy at Cambridge University (PGCert) and at Kent University (MA).
He has taught at various UK and international universities and has received several teaching awards. He has also participated as an external assessor for prestigious accreditation bodies (e.g., AMBA). His research has been presented at several conferences and he is a recipient of many distinctions, honours, and prizes. He has also been included in the top 2% of scientific researchers in the world list prepared by Stanford University for 2023.
Recently, his joint work on gender promotions won a research prize and appeared in the BJM International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month 2021 Collection. Overall, he has published more than 80 journal articles, most of which have appeared in top-rated journals. He is also the author of several edited books, book chapters, and official reports.
His recent funded work on microbusinesses was featured in Forbes and other media outlets and he received the team impact award from Kent University. Previously he received funding from several research bodies, such as the European Union Leonardo da Vinci programme, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, the British Academy and the Legal Services Board.
He has held various honorary and/or visiting posts with several universities including, for example, the University of Dhaka, University of Brunei Darussalam, The University of the West Indies, The University of North Carolina, Brock University and Aston University.
He has also been external assessor for promotions at various national and international universities, as well as supervised and examined numerous PhD theses. Most of his students has published in prestigious journals during or soon after their studies (e.g., Journal of Business Venturing, International Business Review, Economic and Industrial Democracy).
He is a Senior Editor of the Information Technology and People and a member of various other editorial boards.
George has been associated with ISBE for several years as attendee, paper presenter and over the last years as a Track Chair of ‘Business Creation, Early Stage Development and Business Closure’. He joined the Board of ISBE Trustees in 2023.