Professor Pauric McGowan holds the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Business Development in the Ulster Business School.
Between 2002 and May 2009 he was the Director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Entrepreneurship, (NICENT) based at the University of Ulster. As Director of NICENT he was responsible for providing leadership in the challenge to embed entrepreneurship in the curriculum across all faculties within the partner institutions of the centre, with particular responsibility for the University of Ulster, and for encouraging a greater practical engagement with entrepreneurial new venturing amongst staff and students.
Post NICENT he lectures in new venturing and business development and continues his research interests in the areas of technology entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship pedagogy.
Prior to NICENT he was involved in enterprise education at the University of Ulster and the development of small to medium sized businesses through his work with the Northern Ireland Small Business Institute, (NISBI). He is a Fellow of the Marketing Institute of Ireland and a Distinguished Business Fellow of the University of Ulster.